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Record 35% of elementary school students in east Japan pref. have below average eyesight

SAITAMA — A record 35.5% of elementary school students in Saitama Prefecture near Tokyo have below average unaided visual acuity, according to health statistics for the 2022 school year released by the prefectural government, suggesting local children’s eyesight is seriously deteriorating.

The 35.5% was the highest percentage since the prefecture-by-prefecture tally of the education ministry’s Annual Report of School Health Statistics Research began in 2006. By grade, one in four, or 25.0%, of second graders and more than half, or 51.2%, of sixth graders had visual acuity below 1.0, which corresponds to 20/20 vision. The ratio of those with unaided visual acuity below 0.3 also increased as the grade level rose, from 1.8% of first graders to 20.6% of sixth graders.

Saitama Prefecture’s health and physical education division explained that the decline in children’s eyesight “may be due to increased use of computers and tablets.” The use of digital devices in classrooms is also rising, and schools have been requested to have their pupils keep their eyes at least 30 centimeters away from the screen and that they step away from the devices once every 30 minutes to rest their eyes.

On the other hand, the research also showed a downward trend in the ratio of students with tooth decay, including those who have completed treatment. The percentage is 40% or less for elementary and high school students, and 30% or less for kindergarten and junior high school students, and has been declining every year.

(Japanese original by Shoko Washizu, Saitama Bureau)
